Documents & Presentations

Addressing Poverty with Participatory Learning

This is an article prepared for the Lausanne congress held in South Africa in October 2010.

Holistic Worldview Analysis as a tool for Corporate Community Empowerment

This is an article on the use of the HWVA (Holistic Worldview Analysis tool- as it is now called) to mobilize Corporate Community Empowerment.

Poverty and Wealth (Very Brief Version)

This is a brief version of an article that explores the issues of Poverty and Wealth including providing a new and appropriate definition for the terms.

Community Needs Assessment - THV Apatug

This is a detailed profile of the Apatug THV in the form a narrative document that draws on the secondary data as well as the FGD(Focused Group Discussion) information drawn from a series of PLA exercises in the community.

MAP's Gender Article - Half The Sky

This is a compilation of information drawn from country offices around the Globe pertaining to gender.

Moringa Presentation

This is a PDF version of the power point presentation on the Moringa plant, that has multiple uses and can be grown in most development countries.

Análisis PLA Apatug (Spanish)

This is the PDF version of the presentation with the outputs of various PLA exercises done in Apatug THV during the needs assessment and analysis phase.

Brief RFSA TST Guide

This is a brief booklet on the use of the TST-Ten Seeds Technique with multiple examples from actual use in the field.

Corporate Social Responsibility-Mind Map

This is a one page mind map of the issues related to CSR -Corporate Social responsibility.

Wholistic Worldview Analysis : Understanding Community Realities

This is an article that appeared in the International Institute of Environment and Development, UK on the Wholistic Worldview Analysis (when it was spelt with a ‘W’)

Kilonga THV Village -July 2008

This is a PDF version of the record of the outputs of the multiple exercises conducted to carry out a needs assessment in Kilonga THV in Kenya.


The PRSG-Prevalence Rate and Scenario Grid is used to find out the status of HIV/AIDS in a Country or region based on the attitude of NGOs, the Government and community to HIV/AIDS. This is particularly useful in places where surveillance figures are not easily available or sensitive to obtain.

Rapid SES using RFSA

This is a document that shows how to carry out a rapid Socio Economic survey of the Household Food security status of various households.

ROSA Evaluation Journal

This Evaluation manual was produced for the South East Asia Regional office of UNICEF by a group of experts working on various aspects of monitoring and Evaluation. The chapter on ‘New Tools designed by Ravi Jayakaran’ appears on page 47’.

THV Tello Presentation

This is a PDF version of the THV Tello cluster (in Indonesia)with two examples of the villages from the cluster.

TST Spanish Version

This is the Spanish Version of the presentation on the TST -Ten Seed Technique
translated by Dr Gabriella Osorio.

Wholistic Worldview Analysis: A multi-dimensional approach to understanding and responding to Community Realities

The is the original article prepared on the WWVA tool prior to submission to IIED for publication.

Nuevo Amanecer THV in Honduras

This presentation shows the type of demographic information collected from the community and how the sequence of exercises conducted with the community lead up to the carrying out of a HWVA for planning a THV”
A good part of my work has been on the issue of transformation and community participation. I believe that our role as development practitioners is to facilitate the process of community engagement on issues of relevance to them. When this happens and communities are able to control their natural resources, their micro political environment, their micro economic situation and their health; they will be empowered.

You are welcome to glance though some of my work.